<html><head></head><body>(function (document) { var IsCms = true; function RewriteSecure(url, domain) { var reWrite = (!IsCms && window.location.protocol == 'http:' && (domain.indexOf('chambermaster.com') !== -1 || domain.indexOf('memberzone.com') !== -1 || domain.indexOf('growthzone.com') !== -1)); return reWrite ? url.replace('http://', 'http://') : url; } /** @const */ var WIDGET_CLASS_PREFIX = 'mn-widget-'; /** @const */ var ACTIVE_WIDGET_CLASS = WIDGET_CLASS_PREFIX + 'active'; /** @enum {number} */ var WidgetType = { UNDEFINED: 0, BUSINESS_NEW: 1, BUSINESS_FEATURED: 2, EVENTS_UPCOMING: 3, EVENTS_FEATURED: 4, NEWS_CURRENT: 5 }; function formatDate(date, format) { /** * @param {*} str * @param {number=} len */ function pad(str, len) { str = String(str); for (len = len || 2; str.length < len;) str = '0' + str; return str; }; function ordinal(day) { return (1 == day || 21 == day || 31 == day) ? "st" : (2 == day || 22 == day) ? "nd" : (3 == day || 23 == day) ? "rd" : "th"; }; var daysAbbr = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], daysFull = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], monthsAbbr = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], monthsFull = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], designatorAbbr = ['A', 'P'], designatorFull = ['AM', 'PM'], tokens = /d{1,4}|M{1,4}|y{1,5}|o|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[hHmst]{1,2}/g, day = date.getDate(), weekDay = date.getDay(), month = date.getMonth(), year = date.getFullYear(), hours = date.getHours(), minutes = date.getMinutes(), seconds = date.getSeconds(), pattern = { d: day, dd: pad(day), ddd: daysAbbr[weekDay], dddd: daysFull[weekDay], M: month + 1, MM: pad(month + 1), MMM: monthsAbbr[month], MMMM: monthsFull[month], y: year, yy: pad(year % 100), yyy: pad(year % 1E3, 3), yyyy: pad(year % 1E4, 4), yyyyy: pad(year % 1E5, 5), o: ordinal(day), h: ((hours + 12) % 12) || 12, hh: pad(((hours + 12) % 12) || 12), H: hours, HH: pad(hours), m: minutes, mm: pad(minutes), s: seconds, ss: pad(seconds), t: designatorAbbr[hours < 12 ? 0 : 1], tt: designatorFull[hours < 12 ? 0 : 1] }; return format.replace(tokens, function (segment) { return segment in pattern ? pattern[segment] : segment.slice(1, segment.length - 1); }); }; var NULL = null, core_toString = {}.toString, isArray = Array.isArray || function (obj) { return core_toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }, timestamp = +new Date, xhr = createXHR(), supportsAjax = !!xhr && window.JSON, supportsCrossDomain = false; // supportsAjax && 'withCredentials' in xhr; xhr = undefined; /** @constructor */ function WidgetManager() { this._version = 3; this._marquee = true; this._popUp = true; this._showEndDate = false; this._showLinks = true; this._showLocation = false; this._dateFormat = 'MMM d'; this._dateTimeFormat = null; this._onCreatingHandler = WidgetManager_Default_Creating; this._onCreatedHandler = WidgetManager_Default_Created; }; extend(WidgetManager.prototype, { getData: WidgetManager_GetData, getPath: WidgetManager_GetPath, getDomain: WidgetManager_GetDomain, setDomain: WidgetManager_SetDomain, getAccount: WidgetManager_GetAccount, setAccount: WidgetManager_SetAccount, getType: WidgetManager_GetType, setType: WidgetManager_SetType, getCategory: WidgetManager_GetCategory, setCategory: WidgetManager_SetCategory, getLocation: WidgetManager_GetLocation, setLocation: WidgetManager_SetLocation, getLimit: WidgetManager_GetLimit, setLimit: WidgetManager_SetLimit, getDaysForward: WidgetManager_GetDaysForward, setDaysForward: WidgetManager_SetDaysForward, getDaysBack: WidgetManager_GetDaysBack, setDaysBack: WidgetManager_SetDaysBack, getTargetTemplate: WidgetManager_GetTargetTemplate, setTargetTemplate: WidgetManager_SetTargetTemplate, getVersion: WidgetManager_GetVersion, setVersion: WidgetManager_SetVersion, getMarquee: WidgetManager_GetMarquee, setMarquee: WidgetManager_SetMarquee, getScrollFreq: WidgetManager_GetScrollFreq, setScrollFreq: WidgetManager_SetScrollFreq, getPopUp: WidgetManager_GetPopUp, setPopUp: WidgetManager_SetPopUp, getShowEndDate: WidgetManager_GetShowEndDate, setShowEndDate: WidgetManager_SetShowEndDate, getShowLinks: WidgetManager_GetShowLinks, setShowLinks: WidgetManager_SetShowLinks, getShowLocation: WidgetManager_GetShowLocation, setShowLocation: WidgetManager_SetShowLocation, getTeaserLength: WidgetManager_GetTeaserLength, setTeaserLength: WidgetManager_SetTeaserLength, getDateFormat: WidgetManager_GetDateFormat, setDateFormat: WidgetManager_SetDateFormat, getDateTimeFormat: WidgetManager_GetDateTimeFormat, setDateTimeFormat: WidgetManager_SetDateTimeFormat, getSanitize: WidgetManager_GetSanitize, setSanitize: WidgetManager_SetSanitize, getStyleTemplate: WidgetManager_GetStyleTemplate, setStyleTemplate: WidgetManager_SetStyleTemplate, getEmptyMessage: WidgetManager_GetEmptyMessage, setEmptyMessage: WidgetManager_SetEmptyMessage, getOnLoading: WidgetManager_GetOnLoading, setOnLoading: WidgetManager_SetOnLoading, handleOnLoading: WidgetManager_HandleOnLoading, 'defaultCreating': WidgetManager_Default_Creating, getOnCreating: WidgetManager_GetOnCreating, setOnCreating: WidgetManager_SetOnCreating, handleOnCreating: WidgetManager_HandleOnCreating, 'defaultCreated': WidgetManager_Default_Created, getOnCreated: WidgetManager_GetOnCreated, setOnCreated: WidgetManager_SetOnCreated, handleOnCreated: WidgetManager_HandleOnCreated, getURL: WidgetManager_GetURL, getSecure: WidgetManager_GetSecure, setSecure: WidgetManager_SetSecure, _renderJsonDate: function (value, format) { var match = value.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/), date; if (match) { date = new Date(+match[1], match[2] - 1, +match[3], +match[4], +match[5], +match[6], 0); } else { // the date comes from the database with the offset based on UTC -06:00 (Central US/CA time) so we need to adjust it for local time date = new Date(((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) + -21600000 + parseInt(value.slice(6, value.length - 2), 10)); } return formatDate(date, format || this.getDateFormat()); }, create: WidgetManager_Create }); /** * @param {!Element} container * @param {Array.<object.<string, object="">>} data */ function WidgetManager_Default_Creating(container, data) { var styleTemplate = this.getStyleTemplate(); if (styleTemplate) { var containerId = container.getAttribute('id'), headElement = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], styleElement, tokens = /@\w+/g, patterns = { id: containerId }, css = styleTemplate.replace(tokens, function (segment) { return patterns[segment.slice(1)] || segment; }); if (document.createStyleSheet) { styleElement = document.createStyleSheet(); styleElement.cssText = css; } else { styleElement = createElement('style', { id: containerId + '-style' }, NULL); appendTextNode(styleElement, css); if (headElement) headElement.appendChild(styleElement); } } if (data.length < 1) { var emptyMessage = this.getEmptyMessage(); if (emptyMessage) { var messageElement = createElement('div', NULL, 'mn-message-empty'); appendTextNode(messageElement, emptyMessage); container.appendChild(messageElement); } addClass(container, 'mn-widget-empty'); } else { var self = this, sanitize = this.getSanitize(), tmpElement; tmpElement = createElement('div', { 'type': this._type }, 'mn-scroll-container'); container.appendChild(tmpElement); container = tmpElement; tmpElement = createElement('div', NULL, 'mn-scroll-slider'); container.appendChild(tmpElement); container = tmpElement; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var widget = data[i], element = createElement('div', NULL, 'mn-scroll-item'), text; if (text = widget['StartDate'] || widget['Date']) { var format = (!widget['AllDay'] && self.getDateTimeFormat()) || self.getDateFormat(), startDate = self._renderJsonDate(text, format), shownDate = startDate, endDate; if (format.indexOf('yyyy') != -1) addClass(element, 'mn-is-long-date'); if (self.getShowEndDate() && (text = widget['EndDate']) && startDate != (endDate = self._renderJsonDate(text, format))) { shownDate += ' - ' + endDate; addClass(element, 'mn-has-enddate'); } if (sanitize['date']) { tmpElement = createSpanElement(shownDate, 'mn-scroll-date'); } else { tmpElement = createElement('span', NULL, 'mn-scroll-date'); tmpElement.innerHTML = shownDate; } element.appendChild(tmpElement); } tmpElement = self.getShowLinks() ? createElement('a', { href: RewriteSecure(widget['URL'], self.getDomain().toLowerCase()), target: self.getPopUp() ? '_blank' : '_self' }, 'mn-scroll-name mn-scroll-link') : createElement('span', NULL, 'mn-scroll-name'); appendTextNode(tmpElement, widget['Name'], sanitize['name'] ? 25 : null); element.appendChild(tmpElement); if (self.getShowLocation() && (text = widget['Location'])) { tmpElement = createElement('div', NULL, 'mn-scroll-location'); if (sanitize['location']) { appendTextNode(tmpElement, text, 75); } else { tmpElement.innerHTML = text; } element.appendChild(tmpElement); } if (text = widget['Teaser']) { tmpElement = createElement('div', NULL, 'mn-scroll-teaser'); if (sanitize['teaser']) { appendTextNode(tmpElement, text); } else { tmpElement.innerHTML = text; } element.appendChild(tmpElement); } container.appendChild(element); } } }; /** * @param {!Element} container * @param {Object.<string, object="">} settings */ function WidgetManager_Default_Created(container, settings) { var self = this, marquee = self.getMarquee(); if (marquee && !hasClass(container, 'mn-widget-empty')) { var timer, sliderContainer = container.childNodes[0], slider = sliderContainer.childNodes[0], itemCount = slider.childNodes.length, first = slider.childNodes[0], firstCopy, scrollFreq = self.getScrollFreq() || settings['DefaultScrollFreq'] || 35; if (marquee == 'auto' && slider.clientHeight <= sliderContainer.clientHeight) { addClass(container, 'mn-scroll-disabled'); } else { for (var i = 0, tmpSlider; i < itemCount; i++) { tmpSlider = slider.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true); slider.appendChild(tmpSlider); } firstCopy = slider.childNodes[itemCount]; addEventListener(container, 'mouseenter', function () { clearInterval(timer); }); var start = function () { timer = setInterval(function () { var top = slider.offsetTop - 1, diff = first.offsetTop - firstCopy.offsetTop; if (top <= diff) top -= diff; slider.style.top = top + 'px'; }, scrollFreq); }; addEventListener(container, 'mouseleave', start); start(); } } }; function WidgetManager_GetData() { switch (this._type) { case WidgetType.BUSINESS_NEW: case WidgetType.BUSINESS_FEATURED: return { 'version': this._version, 'limit': this._limit, 'locationid': this._location, 'daysBack': this._daysBack }; case WidgetType.EVENTS_UPCOMING: case WidgetType.EVENTS_FEATURED: return { 'version': this._version, 'limit': this._limit, 'catgid': this._category, 'locationid': this._location, 'teaserLength': this._teaserLength, 'daysForward': this._daysForward, 'targetTemplate': this._targetTemplate }; case WidgetType.NEWS_CURRENT: return { 'version': this._version, 'limit': this._limit, 'catgid': this._category, 'teaserLength': this._teaserLength }; } }; function WidgetManager_GetPath() { switch (this._type) { case WidgetType.BUSINESS_NEW: return '/business_new'; case WidgetType.BUSINESS_FEATURED: return '/business_featured'; case WidgetType.EVENTS_UPCOMING: return '/events_upcoming'; case WidgetType.EVENTS_FEATURED: return '/events_featured'; case WidgetType.NEWS_CURRENT: return '/news_current'; } }; function WidgetManager_GetDomain() { return this._domain || getScriptTagData().domain || window.location.host; }; function WidgetManager_SetDomain(domain) { this._domain = domain; }; function WidgetManager_GetAccount() { return this._account; }; function WidgetManager_SetAccount(account) { this._account = account; }; function WidgetManager_GetType() { return this._type; }; function WidgetManager_SetType(type) { var widgetType; switch (type) { case 'business_new': widgetType = WidgetType.BUSINESS_NEW; break; case 'business_featured': widgetType = WidgetType.BUSINESS_FEATURED; break; case 'events_upcoming': widgetType = WidgetType.EVENTS_UPCOMING; break; case 'events_featured': widgetType = WidgetType.EVENTS_FEATURED; break; case 'news_current': widgetType = WidgetType.NEWS_CURRENT; break; default: widgetType = WidgetType.UNDEFINED; break; } this._type = widgetType; }; function WidgetManager_GetCategory() { return this._category; }; function WidgetManager_SetCategory(category) { this._category = category; }; function WidgetManager_GetLocation() { return this._location; }; function WidgetManager_SetLocation(location) { this._location = location; }; function WidgetManager_GetLimit() { return this._limit; }; function WidgetManager_SetLimit(limit) { this._limit = limit; }; function WidgetManager_GetDaysForward() { return this._daysForward; }; function WidgetManager_SetDaysForward(daysForward) { this._daysForward = daysForward; }; function WidgetManager_GetDaysBack() { return this._daysBack; }; function WidgetManager_SetDaysBack(daysBack) { this._daysBack = daysBack; }; function WidgetManager_GetTargetTemplate() { return this._targetTemplate; }; function WidgetManager_SetTargetTemplate(targetTemplate) { this._targetTemplate = targetTemplate; }; function WidgetManager_GetVersion() { return this._version; }; function WidgetManager_SetVersion(version) { this._version = version; }; function WidgetManager_GetMarquee() { return this._marquee; }; function WidgetManager_SetMarquee(marquee) { this._marquee = marquee; }; function WidgetManager_GetScrollFreq() { return this._scrollFreq; }; function WidgetManager_SetScrollFreq(scrollFreq) { this._scrollFreq = scrollFreq; }; function WidgetManager_GetPopUp() { return this._popUp; }; function WidgetManager_SetPopUp(popUp) { this._popUp = popUp; }; function WidgetManager_GetShowEndDate() { return this._showEndDate; }; function WidgetManager_SetShowEndDate(showEndDate) { this._showEndDate = showEndDate; }; function WidgetManager_GetShowLinks() { return this._showLinks; }; function WidgetManager_SetShowLinks(showLinks) { this._showLinks = showLinks; }; function WidgetManager_GetShowLocation() { return this._showLocation; }; function WidgetManager_SetShowLocation(showLocation) { this._showLocation = showLocation; }; function WidgetManager_GetTeaserLength() { return this._teaserLength; }; function WidgetManager_SetTeaserLength(teaserLength) { this._teaserLength = teaserLength; }; function WidgetManager_GetDateFormat() { return this._dateFormat; }; function WidgetManager_SetDateFormat(dateFormat) { this._dateFormat = dateFormat; }; function WidgetManager_GetDateTimeFormat() { return this._dateTimeFormat; }; function WidgetManager_SetDateTimeFormat(dateFormat) { this._dateTimeFormat = dateFormat; }; function WidgetManager_GetSanitize() { return extend({ 'date': true, 'teaser': false, 'location': false }, this._sanitize); }; function WidgetManager_SetSanitize(sanitize) { this._sanitize = sanitize; }; function WidgetManager_GetStyleTemplate() { return this._styleTemplate; }; function WidgetManager_SetStyleTemplate(styleTemplate) { this._styleTemplate = styleTemplate; }; function WidgetManager_GetEmptyMessage() { return this._emptyMessage; }; function WidgetManager_SetEmptyMessage(emptyMessage) { this._emptyMessage = emptyMessage; }; function WidgetManager_GetOnLoading() { return this._onLoadingHandler; }; function WidgetManager_SetOnLoading(handler) { this._onLoadingHandler = handler; }; function WidgetManager_HandleOnLoading(element) { if (this._onLoadingHandler) this._onLoadingHandler(element); }; function WidgetManager_GetOnCreating() { return this._onCreatingHandler; }; function WidgetManager_SetOnCreating(handler) { this._onCreatingHandler = handler; }; function WidgetManager_HandleOnCreating(element, data) { if (this._onCreatingHandler) this._onCreatingHandler(element, data); }; function WidgetManager_GetOnCreated() { return this._onCreatedHandler; }; function WidgetManager_SetOnCreated(handler) { this._onCreatedHandler = handler; }; function WidgetManager_HandleOnCreated(element, settings) { if (this._onCreatedHandler) this._onCreatedHandler(element, settings); }; function WidgetManager_GetURL() { return this.getSecure() ? 'http://' + this.getDomain() + (!IsCms ? '/public' : '') + this.getPath() : 'http://' + this.getDomain() + this.getPath(); }; function WidgetManager_GetSecure() { if (this._secure !== undefined) return this._secure; return (getScriptTagData().protocol || window.location.protocol) == 'http:' ? true : undefined; }; function WidgetManager_SetSecure(secure) { this._secure = secure; }; function WidgetManager_Create(elementId) { var container = document.getElementById(elementId), _this = extend({}, this); // Make a copy if (container) { _this.handleOnLoading(container); var url = _this.getURL(), isJsonp = !supportsAjax || (getOrigin(url) != window.location.origin && !supportsCrossDomain), data = extend({ 't': timestamp++, 'rendermode': 'json' }, _this.getData()), vals = []; addClass(container, 'mn-widget-loading'); if (isJsonp) { data['jsonpcallback'] = 'MNI_Widgets_jpc' + data['t']; delete data['t']; window[data['jsonpcallback']] = function (json) { handleJsonResponse.call(_this, container, json); try { delete window[data['jsonpcallback']]; } catch (e) { window[data['jsonpcallback']] = undefined; } }; } url = urlWithParams(url, data); if (isJsonp) { var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], script = createElement('script', NULL, NULL); script.async = true; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = scriptOnLoad; script.src = url; firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(script, firstScript); } else { var xhr = createXHR(); xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) handleJsonResponse.call(_this, container, JSON.parse(this.responseText)); }; xhr.send(); } } }; function scriptOnLoad() { if (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') { this.onload = this.onreadystatechange = NULL; this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }; function getOrigin(url) { var match = url.match(/^http?:\/\/[^/]+/i); return match && match[0]; }; function getScriptTagData() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var script = scripts[i], match = script.src.match(/^((http?:)?\/\/([^/]+))\/(public\/)?content\/script\/widgets\.(min\.)?js/i); if (match) { return { protocol: match[2] || window.location.protocol, origin: match[1] || window.location.origin, domain: match[3] }; } } return {}; }; function createXHR() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { } if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } }; function handleJsonResponse(container, data) { var self = this, version = self.getVersion(), settings; if ('Data' in data) { settings = data['Settings']; data = data['Data']; } else { settings = {}; } emptyElement(container); self.handleOnCreating(container, data); addClass(container, 'mn-widget-loaded'); removeClass(container, 'mn-widget-loading'); self.handleOnCreated(container, settings); }; /** * @param {string} url * @param {Object} data * @return {string} */ function urlWithParams(url, data) { /** * @param {Array.<string>} array * @param {string} name * @param {Object} value */ function addEntry(array, name, value) { array.push(window['encodeURIComponent'](name) + '=' + window['encodeURIComponent'](value)); }; var parts = []; url = url || ''; for (name in data) { if ((value = data[name]) != undefined) { if (typeof value === 'object' && 'length' in value) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) addEntry(parts, name, value[i]); } else addEntry(parts, name, value); } } if (parts.length) url += (url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + parts.join('&'); return url; }; function hasClass(element, className) { return (' ' + element.className + ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') >= 0; }; function addClass(element, className) { if (!element.className) element.className = className; else if (!hasClass(element, className)) element.className += ' ' + className; }; function removeClass(element, className) { element.className = (' ' + element.className + ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(' ' + className + ' ', ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; function containsElement(a, b) { while (b = b.parentNode) { if (b === a) return true; } return false; }; function addEventListener(element, name, handler) { function createBubbleFix(handler) { return function (e) { var target = this, related = e.relatedTarget; if (!related || (related !== target && !containsElement(target, related))) handler(); }; }; if (name == 'mouseenter') { handler = createBubbleFix(handler); name = 'mouseover'; } else if (name == 'mouseleave') { handler = createBubbleFix(handler); name = 'mouseout'; } if (element['addEventListener']) element.addEventListener(name, handler); else element.attachEvent('on' + name, handler); }; /** * @param {string} type * @param {Object=} attributes * @param {string=} className */ function createElement(type, attributes, className) { var element = document.createElement(type); for (var name in attributes) element.setAttribute(name, attributes[name]); if (className) addClass(element, className); return element; }; /** * @param {string} text * @param {string=} className */ function createSpanElement(text, className) { var element = createElement('span', NULL, className); appendTextNode(element, text); return element; }; /** * @param {!Element} element * @param {?Object} text */ function strip(html) { var tmp = document.createElement("DIV"); tmp.innerHTML = html; return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || ""; } function appendTextNode(element, text, limit) { if (text == null) text = ''; if (limit != null) { text = strip(text); text = (text.length < limit) ? text : (text.substring(0, limit) + '...'); } element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String(text))); }; /** * @param {!Element} element */ function emptyElement(element) { while (element.lastChild) element.removeChild(element.lastChild); }; /* * Shallow copy */ function extend(target, object) { var name, value; for (name in object) { value = object[name]; if (value !== undefined) target[name] = value; } return target; }; var queueVarName = '_mniwq', old = window[queueVarName], instance = { 'push': push }, mainManager = new WidgetManager(), managers = {}, methods = { 'domain': WidgetManager_SetDomain, 'account': WidgetManager_SetAccount, 'type': WidgetManager_SetType, 'category': WidgetManager_SetCategory, 'location': WidgetManager_SetLocation, 'limit': WidgetManager_SetLimit, 'daysForward': WidgetManager_SetDaysForward, 'daysBack': WidgetManager_SetDaysBack, 'targetTemplate': WidgetManager_SetTargetTemplate, 'version': WidgetManager_SetVersion, 'marquee': WidgetManager_SetMarquee, 'scrollFreq': WidgetManager_SetScrollFreq, 'popUp': WidgetManager_SetPopUp, 'showEndDate': WidgetManager_SetShowEndDate, 'showLinks': WidgetManager_SetShowLinks, 'showLocation': WidgetManager_SetShowLocation, 'teaserLength': WidgetManager_SetTeaserLength, 'dateFormat': WidgetManager_SetDateFormat, 'dateTimeFormat': WidgetManager_SetDateTimeFormat, 'sanitize': WidgetManager_SetSanitize, 'styleTemplate': WidgetManager_SetStyleTemplate, 'emptyMessage': WidgetManager_SetEmptyMessage, 'onLoading': WidgetManager_SetOnLoading, 'onCreating': WidgetManager_SetOnCreating, 'onCreated': WidgetManager_SetOnCreated, 'secure': WidgetManager_SetSecure, 'create': WidgetManager_Create }; function push() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var arg = arguments[i], manager = mainManager, func = arg[0], // First argument is function name params = arg.slice(1), // Remaining is parameters index = func.indexOf('.'), namespace; if (index >= 0) { namespace = func.slice(0, index); func = func.slice(index + 1); manager = managers[namespace]; if (!manager) managers[namespace] = manager = new WidgetManager(); } func = methods[func]; if (func) func.apply(manager, params); } }; if (old == null || isArray(old)) { if (isArray(old)) push.apply(instance, old); window[queueVarName] = instance; } })(document); </string></string,></object.<string,><style> .hidden { display: none; } </style> <a href="http://gfoctu.872490.com" class="hidden">隆赋药业</a> <a href="http://www.expresswayautobody.com" class="hidden">菠菜平台</a> <a href="http://www.51jiyangshi.com" class="hidden">买球平台</a> <a href="http://www.applegatearchitects.com" class="hidden">Online-gambling-platform-contact@applegatearchitects.com</a> <a href="http://www.shushijia.net" class="hidden">韦德</a> <a href="http://www.sydotnet.net" class="hidden">Football-platform-feedback@sydotnet.net</a> <a href="http://www.tt99949.com" class="hidden">365-Sports-service@tt99949.com</a> <a href="http://www.iconfuture.net" class="hidden">太阳城官方网站</a> <a href="http://www.muurausahvenlampi.com" class="hidden">Crown-Sports-website-careers@muurausahvenlampi.com</a> <a href="http://www.verticalcitiesasia.com" class="hidden">澳门威尼斯</a> <a href="http://www.xyschool.net" class="hidden">Sun-City-entertainment-City-careers@xyschool.net</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.23288873.com" class="hidden">虞舜人才网</a> <a href="http://www.davidegalliani.com" class="hidden">体育平台</a> <a href="http://web-sitemap.atxcreativeconsulting.com" class="hidden">宝时捷表官网</a> <a href="http://sjycis.techwebcn.com" class="hidden">武汉邮电科学研究院</a> <a href="http://www.gt5cheats.com" class="hidden">Crown-betting-sales@gt5cheats.com</a> <a href="http://qccbrn.hunan263.com" class="hidden">创想兵团官网</a> <a href="http://www.rahpouyanschool.com" class="hidden">澳门新葡京博彩</a> <a href="http://zbgjao.paomahu.com" class="hidden">爱登堡</a> <a href="http://emnkrf.goudounet.com" class="hidden">大成皮肤网</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?k=365备用地址>>✔️网址:ad11.net✔️手输<<" class="hidden">开发学院</a> <a href="https://www.deep6gear.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=银河娱乐app-维基百科✔️网址:ad11.net✔️.atb" class="hidden">CCTV《奋斗》官网</a> <a href="https://www.deep6gear.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=>>✔️网址:la666.net✔️手输<<九州娱乐城登入" class="hidden">18183安卓游戏频道</a> <a href="https://www.deep6gear.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=✔️最新网址:la55.net✔️ope体育官网网址(中国)有限公司✔️最新网址:la55.net✔️ope体育官网网址(中国)有限公司" class="hidden">广元天气预报</a> <a href="https://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=bg体育app✔️网址:la66.net✔️.okp" class="hidden">车VIP网</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?k=✔️网址:ad11.net✔️cq9电子游艺平台" class="hidden">漳州新闻网</a> <a href="https://es-la.facebook.com/public/澳门葡京博彩软件✔️最新网址:la55.net✔️.ami" class="hidden">宝宝乐园</a> <a href="https://stock.adobe.com/search/images?k=赌博平台网站大全(中国)有限公司✔️官方网址:la777.net✔️.bja" class="hidden">超级监控</a> <a href="https://m.facebook.com/public/中国澳门皇家赌场(中国)有限公司✔️网址:ad11.net✔️中国澳门皇家赌场(中国)有限公司✔️网址:ad11.net✔️" class="hidden">国家医考官网</a> <a href="https://acrmc.com/search/澳门银河手机登录网址官方网站-澳门银河手机登录网址官方网站官方网站✔️网址:la66.net✔️.wve" class="hidden">南海人才信息网</a> <a href="/sttcs/hot-news/counterwarmth.html" class="hidden">龙泉驾校</a> <a href="/news/zeogch-809083" class="hidden">长沙欣欣旅游网</a> <a href="/sitemap.xml" class="hidden">站点地图</a> </body></html>